Colorado POST Certifications
There are three levels of POST certification in Colorado – Basic (aka “Full” is required for paid positions), Provisional (for qualified out of state officers) and Reserve (unpaid).
Basic and Reserve certifications will remain active as long as the officer is employed with an agency and remains in good standing as well as for three (3) years after leaving an agency if they do not become employed by another agency. For this definition, “employed” also applies to Reserve officers who are all unpaid.
Provisional certification is an interim certification that affords a qualified out-of-state officer the opportunity to obtain employment as a Colorado peace officer while completing the requirements for Basic certification. There are additional requirements and restrictions – for more information go to this page HERE.

Expired Reserve certifications CANNOT be renewed and completion of another POST Reserve Academy would be required.
For more information on Colorado POST certifications, visit this SITE.
Expired Basic (aka “Full”) certifications may be renewable and you’ll find more information about the process.
There are POST requirements to serve as a peace officer in Colorado.
For more information on the POST requirements for certification, use the links below:
There are disqualifying incidents that may preclude POST certification which include those listed HERE.